
Since the beginning of 2019, Regional Capacity Centre for Clean Seas (RC3S) has been putting together programmes and activities to accomplish its function of becoming a hub for strengthening capacity building in the field of protection of the marine environment from land-based activities, particularly nutrients, wastewater and marine litter/microplastics.   

The success of RC3S’s programmes and activities in the past year became a notable modality for RC3S to realize its activities in 2020. While being at the early stages, RC3S has organized forums, capacity building and awareness raising activities – nationally and internationally, as well as cultivated solution model to combat marine pollution from land-based activities. For this year, activities will be focused on strengthening the 2019 results and achievements, while incorporating improvements. Moreover, activities in 2020 will also be adjusted accordingly with the ongoing concerns about COVID-19 pandemic.

“Regional Capacity Center for Clean Seas (RC3S) Working Agenda: Results in 2019 and Activities in 2020” is a document showcasing results in 2019, as well as the work and activities planned for 2020 which encompasses 3 (three) main areas: (1) Clean Seas Knowledge Management; (2) Clean Seas Capacity Building and Awareness; and (3) Clean Seas Solution Model.

We are grateful to all who engage with RC3S – academia, businesses, governments, young people, civil societies, media and all stakeholders who give their time, energy and strength of purpose to this date to drive cooperation and collaborative action. We know that the challenges ahead dealing with land-based pollution will be even greater, therefore we need to enhance our collaboration and accelerate implementation of the work and activities within RC3S to successfully achieve the goals of the programmes.

Finally, through its function, RC3S will continue to implement and build further efforts concerted in the field of protection of marine environment from land-based activities, and invites all stakeholders across sectors to support its work and activities through technical cooperation, technology transfer, capacity building and exchange of best practices.




Dida Migfar Ridha


Director of Coastal and Marine Pollution

and Degradation Control, MoEF

Ex officio Executive Director

Regional Capacity Centre for Clean Seas



Denpasar, Indonesia