Model to Mitigate Plastic Waste Leakages from River Bodies Agenda

One of the model that RC3S is aiming to encourage are trash booms. Trash boom is a floating infrastructure mounted diagonally into river bodies to capture floating litter on the surface. Being relatively cheap, trash booms are effective to prevent high amount of floating litter entering the coastal and marine environment, and as effective to encourage participation of local communities in the regular process of collecting and removing the litter. The number of litter captured from time to time can also be recorded as a baseline of unmanaged waste from land-based anthropogenic activities. However, trash booms have yet to be massively implemented in Indonesia compared to other strategies and measures to combat land-based pollution. RC3S sees an opportunity to scale up and replicate the use of trash booms as a solution model which not only effective but feasible to control the flow of marine plastic pollution from land. 


Denpasar, Indonesia