Training of Trainers on Monitoring & Assessment of Marine Plastic Litter & Microplastic in collaboration with COBSEA Result
RC3S co-hosted the Training of Trainers in Bali as an opportunity for countries of COBSEA to present ongoing marine litter planning and monitoring activities, share good practices, and identify potential follow-up capacity dev elopment activities supported by COBSEA and the GPA.
The Training of Trainers has been attended by participants from 9 countries of COBSEA (Cambodia,China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam). The Training was based on the Guidelines for the Monitoring and Assessment of Plastic Litter in the Ocean developed by the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) and included both classroom sessions and a series of field visits to conduct marine litter sampling and laboratory analysis.