Webinar (Land-Based Pollution and Marine Biodiversity : Innovative Solution) Result

     The Indonesian government has taken various policy steps and concrete actions to overcome the problem of marine pollution, the Government has Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, Law Number 32 of 2014 concerning Marine, Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 83 of 2018 concerning Handling Marine Debris which contains strategies, programs and activities that are synergistic, measurable, and directed to reduce the amount in the sea, especially plastic waste, which is outlined in the National Action Plan for Marine Debris Management 2018-2025, and many policies are issued to control pollution the sea.

     The Government is also committed to conserving Indonesia's biodiversity through systematic conservation efforts, namely the protection of life support systems, the preservation of species diversity and their ecosystems, and the sustainable use of natural resources. In carrying out the preservation of marine biodiversity, it is necessary to have the same understanding of the impacts of marine pollution caused by waste, wastewater or nutrients for various stakeholders to support the implementation of pollution control and damage to coastal and marine ecosystems in order to preserve the biodiversity possessed by Indonesian seas.


Denpasar, Indonesia