Expert Meeting on Science-Based Solutions to Marine Plastic Pollution Result

The marine litter forum with science is Science-Based Solutions to Marine Plastic Pollution in Indonesia. This event have been conducted in the format of Focus Group Discussion (FGD). At least 15-19 scholars, environmental experts, researcher with expertise and knowledge in river and coastal monitoring method in reducing plastic pollution have been invited. This event was held on July 21th 2020 and officially opened with the speech from Drs. M.R. Karliansyah, M.S Director General for Pollution Control and Environment Degradation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry,  Ir. Dida Migfar Ridha, M.Si Director of Coastal and Marine Degradation and Pollution Control / Executive Director of Regional Capacity Center for Clean Seas (RC3S), Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and  Dr. Thorjørn Larssen, Research Director of Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA).

The control of marine waste pollution is inseparable from the aspects of scientific research. The scientific research aspect that has been widely practiced and implemented by the experts is quite important to identify the solutions or alternatives to control marine waste pollution, especially plastic waste originating from rivers and land which end in the sea. Therefore, the identification of solutions for controlling marine waste pollution based on scientific research needs to be implemented as an effort to control the environmental pollution crisis.

Based on this, within the framework of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry cooperation through the Regional Capacity Center for Clean Seas (RC3S) with the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) in the ASEAN-Norwegian Cooperation Project on Local Capacity Building for Reducing Plastic Pollution in the ASEAN region (ASEANO) under the Norwegian-ASEAN Regional Integration Program (NARIP) will hold the Marine Plastic Litter Forum with Science "Science-Based Solutions to Marine Plastic Pollution in Indonesia" to identify and to understand more closely related to various solutions that have been carried out in controlling marine waste based on scientific research, including monitoring, pollution, prevention, and recovery aspects.


Denpasar, Indonesia